Our schools hours are:
8.40am First bell
8.45am - 11.00am -- Morning session
11.00am - 11.45am -- Morning tea break
11.45am - 1.15pm -- Middle session
1.15pm - 1.45pm -- Lunch break
1.45pm - 2.45pm -- Afternoon session
2.45pm -- School finish
School attendance plays a huge factor in student achievement. The school curriculum is sequential and builds upon previous knowledge and skills. If students are absent, even for one day, their ability to understand and develop skills and knowledge is compromised. Students should only be absent from school when they are ill or under extenuating circumstances.
As a departmental requirement, all student absences are recorded on the school’s database. If students are to be absent from school, parents are asked to contact the school on the school absence line on (07) 5548 9360 or via text message to 0426 305 671 prior to or on the morning of the absence. Parents will be contacted via SMS if students’ absence is unexplained.
Late arrivals
Late arrivals are asked to report to the office for a late note which is to be given to the teacher on arrival at class.
Early departures
Parents are asked to sign their child out at the office prior to collecting students from the classroom.